Membership Application
Hello Ski World
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User Profile Information
These items are modified in your profile which is accessed from the logon button at top of screen
Application Type
Please Logon or Create a Logon Here = = = = >
Village Address
Summer Address (address when away from The Villages)
Complete this section for Family / Joint Membership
Spouse / Partner
Volunteer Suggestions
Your chance to volunteer... The more you put into the club, the more you get out of it! We are member operated and depend on members' time and talent to provide you with GREAT TRIPS AND EVENTS. Please make your selection:
How did you hear of us ?
Residence Status
Terms and Conditions
Trip cancellation
Money paid and owing for any trip, by any member is refundable under certain circumstances. Factors controlling refunds are dependent on time frames and arrangements pertaining to each particular trip. For refund consideration, cancellation must be made in writing to the trip leader. The Cancellation fee is $25 plus costs incurred if any.
The Villagers Ski Club may waive cancellation penalties if the participant offers an acceptable, eligible alternative. The Club will make every reasonable effort to accommodate the change. However, in certain circumstances, i.e. gender related problems associated with bed assignments, the Club may reject the proposed substitution or require supplemental funds.
Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.